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BATON ROUGEに登録されている24曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Tokyo Time, 2.
The Price of Love, 3.
Melenie, 4.
Slave to the Rhythm, 5.
Doctor, 6.
Baby's So Cool, 7.
Bad Time Comin' Down, 8.
Young Hearts, 9.
Spread Like Fire, 10.
There Was a Time (The Storm), 11.
Walks Like a Woman, 12.
Hot Blood Movin', 13.
It's About Time, 14.
Light at the End of the Tunnel, 15.
Big Trouble, 16.
Tear Down the Walls, 17.
Vampire Kiss / The Midge II, 18.
Tie You Up, 19.
Desperate, 20.
Dreamin' in Black & White, ....