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BEHERITに登録されている20曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Hail Sathanas, 2.
Grave Desecration, 3.
Demonomancy, 4.
Salomon's Gate, 5.
The Gate of Inanna, 6.
The Gate of Nanna, 7.
Dead Inside, 8.
Dawn of Satan's Millenium, 9.
Witchcraft, 10.
Beast of Damnation, 11.
The Oath of Black Blood, 12.
We Worship, 13.
Werewolf, Semen & Blood, 14.
Beyond Vision, 15.
Drawing Down the Moon, 16.
Deep Night 23rd, 17.
Fish, 18.
War Command, 18.
Summerlands, 19.
Paradise (part Ⅱ), 19.
Temple ov Lykos, 20.
Emotional Ecstasy