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RUNNING WILDに登録されている89曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Riding the Storm, 2.
Blazon Stone, 3.
Bad to the Bone, 4.
Lead or Gold, 5.
Conquistadores, 6.
Under Jolly Roger, 7.
Billy the Kid, 8.
Prisoner of Our Time, 9.
Masquerade, 10.
Renegade, 11.
Branded and Exiled, 12.
Little Big Horn, 13.
Firebreather, 14.
Victory, 15.
Marooned, 16.
Running Blood, 17.
Death Or Groly, 18.
Adventure Galley, 19.
Freewind Rider, 20.
Chamber of Lies(instrumental), ....