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20 YEARS IN HISTORYに登録されている24曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Prowling Werewolf, 2.
Genghis Khan, 3.
Prisoner of Our Time, 4.
Mordor '03, 5.
Under Jolly Roger, 6.
Apocalyptic Horsemen, 7.
Raise Your Fist, 8.
Conquistadores, 9.
Riding the Storm, 10.
Bad to the Bone, 11.
Blazon Stone, 12.
Little Big Horn, 13.
Whirlwind, 14.
Treasure Island, 15.
Black Hand Inn, 16.
The Privateer, 17.
Lions of the Sea, 18.
Black Soul, 19.
Firebreather, 20.
Ballad of William Kidd, ....