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MANILLA ROADに登録されている21曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Heavy Metal to the World, 2.
Road of Kings, 3.
Crystal Logic, 4.
Necropolis, 5.
The Ninth Wave, 6.
Born Upon the Soul, 7.
Dreams of Eschaton / Epilogue, 8.
The Ram, 9.
Seven Trumpets, 10.
Flaming Metal System, 11.
The Dream Goes On, 12.
Spiral Castle, 13.
Shadow, 14.
Merchants of Death, 15.
Gateway to the Sphere, 16.
Sands of Time, 17.
Enter the Warrior, 17.
Shadow in the Black, 18.
Hour of the Dragon, 19.
The Empire, 20.
Divine Victim, ....