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ICED EARTHに登録されている49曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Angels Holocaust, 2.
Disciples of the Lie, 3.
Stormrider, 4.
Gettysburg(1863), 5.
Red Baron / Blue Max, 6.
Burnt Offerings, 7.
Waterloo, 8.
When the Eagle Cries, 9.
1776, 10.
Dante's Inferno, 11.
Declaration Day, 12.
Dystopia, 13.
Dracula, 14.
Anguish of Youth, 16.
My Own Savior, 17.
Dark City, 18.
Screaming for Vengeance, 19.
Travel in Stygian, 20.
Burning Times, ....