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The Essential Toto (2004年)
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登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Rosanna, 1. Stop Loving You, 1. Hold the Line, 1. Caught in the Balance, 1. 99, 1. The Other Side, 1. I Won’t Hold You Back, 1. Africa, 1. Don’t Chain My Heart, 1. 2 Hearts, 1. Waiting for Your Love, 1. Make Believe, 1. Goodbye Elenore, 1. Home of the Brave, 2. How Does It Feel, 2. The Road Goes On, 2. I Will Remember, 2. Georgy Porgy, 2. Just Can’t Get to You, 2. Pamela, 3. Baby He’s Your Man, 3. I’ll Supply the Love, 3. Holyanna, 3. The Turning Point, 3. If You Belong to Me, 3. Can You Hear What I’m Saying, 3. Slipped Away, 3. Dave’s Gone Skiing, 3. Without Your Love, 3. Stranger in Town, 4. Til the End, 4. I’ll Be Over You
Recent 20 Comments
1. ICECLAD RAGE ★★ (2007-06-30 17:55:00)
ソニーから出ているTHE ESSENTIALシリーズのTOTO編。