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ACME + ACME-PLUSに登録されている40曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Calvin, 2.
Magical Colors, 3.
Do You Wanna Get Heavy?, 4.
High Gear, 5.
Talk About the Blues, 6.
I Wanna Make It All Right, 7.
Lovin' Machine, 8.
Bernie, 9.
Blue Green Olga, 10.
Give Me a Chance, 11.
Desperate, 12.
Torture, 13.
Attack, 14.
Right Place, Wrong Time, 15.
The Black Godfather, 16.
New Year (Destroyer), 17.
Confused (Sansano), 18.
Hell (Benzel-Waters), 19.
Bacon (Techno Animal), 20.
Lap Dance (Thirlwell), ....