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NEHEMAHに登録されている17曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

The Great Old Ones, 2.
Shadows From the Past..., 3.
Misty Swamps, 4.
Siguilum Sanctum Lycantropia, 5.
Light of a Dead Star, 6.
Nehëmah in Vulva Infernum, 7.
Taken Away by the Torn Black Shroud, 8.
Warlock, From a Blazing Coal, 9.
I Will Sleep With the Dragon, 10.
The Elder Gods Awakening, 11.
Sønner av den fimbulvetr, 12.
Black Winds Over the Walls of Csejthe, 13.
Selvmord, 14.
The Thousand Tongues of Medusa, 14.
Nehëmah in Vulva Infenum, 15.
Call From the Grave, 16.
Through the Dark Nebula, 17.
Dead but Dreaming in the Eternal Icy Waste