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Murderdolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMURDERDOLLSに登録されている19曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Slit My Wrist, 2.
Twist My Sister, 3.
Die My Bride, 4.
Love at First Fright, 5.
197666, 6.
Dead in Hollywood, 7.
People Hate Me, 8.
B-Movie Scream Queen, 9.
Let's Fuck, 10.
Crash Crash, 11.
She Was a Teenage Zombie, 12.
Dawn of the Dead, 13.
Let's Go to War, 14.
Kill Miss America, 15.
Motherfucker, I Don't Care, 16.
Dressed to Depress, 17.
I Love to Say Fuck, 18.
ホワイトウェディング, 19.
Grave Robbing U.S.A.