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Augury (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAUGURYに登録されている12曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Skyless, 2.
Orphans of Living, 3.
Anchorite, 3.
Message Sonore, 4.
Aetheral, 4.
Maritime, 5.
Mater Dolorosa, 6.
Oversee the Rebirth, 6.
The Living Vault, 7.
Jupiter to Ignite, 8.
Carrion Tide, 8.
Illusive Golden Age, 9.
Sovereigns Unknown, 9.
Parallel Biospheres, 10.
Faith Puppeteers, 11.
Simian Cattle, 12.
Brimstone Landscapes