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Rock Solid: The Essential Collection (2004年)
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登録されている8曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Makes No Difference, 1. Hot Rod Lincoln, 1. Magnolia, 1. Makin' Magic, 1. Rock 'n' Roll Susie, 1. You Don't Love Me, 1. Stevie, 1. Statesboro Blues, 1. Hooked on Music, 1. Life in London, 1. Gettin' Betta, 1. It Ain't What It Seems, 2. Lovin' You, 2. Heat in the Street, 2. Go All Night, 2. Evie, 2. Crash and Burn, 2. Your Love Can't Be Right, 3. The Big Event, 3. Snortin' Whiskey, 3. New Age Music, 3. My Life Is on the Line, 3. I Can Love You, 3. I La La La Love You, 4. I'd Rather See You Dead, 4. Stand Up, 4. I Gotta Fight, 4. Killer, 5. Louise, 6. Women on the Edge of Love, 7. In the Heat of the Night, 8. Boom Boom (Out Go the Lights) (live)