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Best Of...Accept (Deluxe Edition) (2016年)
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登録されている13曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Balls To The Wall, 2. Beat the Bastards, 2. Fast As A Shark, 2. Hung, Drawn And Quartered, 2. I'm A Rebel, 2. Metal Heart, 2. Breaker, 2. Crossroads, 2. London Leatherboys, 2. Midnight Mover, 2. Restless And Wild, 2. Stalingrad, 2. Teutonic Terror, 3. Ahead Of The Pack, 3. Fight It Back, 4. The Abyss, 4. Up To The Limit, 5. Blood of the Nations, 5. Head Over Heels, 5. Losing More Than You've Ever Had, 6. 200 Years, 6. It's Hard To Find A Way, 6. Heaven Is Hell, 7. Monsterman, 7. Time Machine, 8. Neon Nights, 8. Screaming For A Love-Bite, 9. Shades of Death, 9. Shadow Soldiers, 10. Son Of A Bitch, 10. Burning, 10. Love Child, 10. Too High To Get It Right, 10. Amamos La Vida, 10. Dogs On Leads, 10. The King, 10. Turn Me On, 10. Kill the Pain, 10. Losers And Winners, 10. Guardian Of The Night, 10. Living For Tonite, 10. Mistreated, 10. Pandemic, 10. Princess Of The Dawn, ....