80年代 | G | ポップ/キャッチー | メロディック | ロックンロールGRAHAM BONNET
Meanwhile, Back in the Garage (2018年)
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登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. The Hotel, 2. Livin’ in Suspicion, 3. Incest Outcest U.S.A., 3. Long Island Tea, 4. The House, 5. Sea of Trees, 5. Man on the Corner, 6. We Don’t Need Another Hero, 6. America... Where Have You Gone?, 6. Heading Toward the Light, 6. Past Lives, 6. The Crying Chair, 7. Starcarr Lane (live From Daryl’s House NY 2018), 8. Night of the Shooting Star (intro), 9. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live, 9. All Night Long, 9. Night Games, 10. California Air, 10. God Blessed Video, 10. Stand in Line, 10. Island in the Sun, 10. Desert Song, ....