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Memories in Rock II (2018年)
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登録されている15曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Over the Rainbow, 1. Spotlight Kid, 1. I Surrender, 1. Mistreated, 1. Since You’ve Been Gone, 2. Man on the Silver Mountain / Woman From Tokyo, 2. 16th Century Greensleeves, 3. Soldier of Fortune, 3. Perfect Strangers, 3. Difficult to Cure, 3. All Night Long, 3. Child in Time, 3. Stargazer, 4. Long Live Rock’n’Roll / Lazy, 4. Catch the Rainbow, 4. Black Night, 5. Carry on Jon, 5. Burn, 5. Temple of the King, 5. Smoke on the Water, 6. Land of Hope and Glory, 6. I Surrender, 7. Waiting for a Sign, 8. Ritchie Blackmore Interview, 9. Ronnie Romero Interview, 10. Jens Johansson Interview, ....