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登録されている1曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Gypsy, 1. Come Away Melinda, 1. Bird of Prey, 1. I'll Keep on Trying, 1. High Priestess, 1. The Park, 1. Lady in Black, 1. Look at Yourself, 1. July Morning, 1. Tears in My Eyes, 1. Love Machine, 1. The Wizard, 1. Why (single b-side), 1. Traveller in Time, 1. Easy Livin’, 1. Circle of Hands, 1. Rainbow Demon, 1. Paradise / The Spell, 1. Sunrise, 1. Blind Eye, 1. The Magician's Birthday, 1. Sweet Lorraine, 1. Rain, 1. Stealin', 1. Sweet Freedom, 1. Wonderworld, 1. The Easy Road, 1. Return to Fantasy, 1. Footprints in the Snow, 1. Weep in Silence