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Uriah Heep Forever (1997年)
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登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Gypsy (single edit remix), 1. Bird of Prey, 1. Lady in Black, 2. Salisbury (single edit), 2. July Morning, 2. Look at Yourself, 2. Easy Livin’, 2. The Wizard, 2. Sweet Lorraine, 2. Stealin', 2. Suicidal Man, 2. Return to Fantasy, 2. Misty Eyes, 2. The Hanging Tree, 2. Sympathy, 2. Wise Man (edited version), 2. Free Me, 2. Free 'n' Easy, 2. Come Back to Me, 2. Love or Nothing, 3. Woman of the Night (live Europe 1979), 3. Carry On (edited version), 3. Feelings (edited version), 4. Easy Livin' (live 1980), 4. Suicidal Man (live 1980), 4. That's the Way That It Is, 4. Think It Over, 4. Stay on Top, 4. The Other Side of Midnight, 4. Too Scared to Run (live Moscow 1988), 4. Blood Red Roses, 4. Hold Your Head Up, 4. Blood on Stone