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Made in Japan (2013年)
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登録されている7曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Best Years, 1. Give Me All Your Love Tonight, 1. Love Ain't No Stranger, 1. Is This Love, 1. Steal Your Heart Away, 1. Forevermore, 2. Six String Showdown, 2. Love Will Set You Free, 2. Drum Solo, 2. Fool for Your Loving, 2. Here I Go Again, 2. Still of the Night, 2. Love Will Set You Free, 2. Steal Your Heart Away, 3. Fare the Well (acoustic version), 4. One of These Days (acoustic version), 4. Lay Down Your Love, 4. Evil Ways, 5. Good to Be Bad (acoustic version), 6. Tell Me How (acoustic version), 6. Best Years, 7. The Badger (Hotel writing session demo)