
70年代 | 80年代 | 90年代 | M | ドラマティック | ブリテン | プログレッシブロック | プログレッシヴ | ポップ/キャッチー | メロディック | 産業ロック | 叙情/哀愁
Long Days, Black Nights (2002年)
1-1. Kingdom of Madness (0)
1-2. Universe (0)
1-3. Invasion (0)
1-4. In the Beginning (0)
1-5. All Come Together (0)
1-6. Great Adventure (0)
1-7. Foolish Heart (0)
1-8. Reborn (0)
1-9. Changes (remix) (0)
1-10. All of My Life (live) (0)
1-11. If I Could Live Forever (live) (0)
1-12. The Lights Burned Out (0)
1-13. Soldier on the Line (0)
1-14. The Spirit (0)
1-15. Sacred Hour (0)
1-16. The Teacher (0)
1-17. Back to Earth (live) (0)
1-18. Runaround Sue (0)
2-1. The Prize (0)
2-2. Road to Paradise (0)
2-3. The Great Disaster (0)
2-4. The Word (0)
2-5. Breakdown (0)
2-6. Just Like an Arrow (0)
2-7. Endless Love (0)
2-8. How Far Jerusalem (0)
2-9. On a Storyteller's Night (0)
2-10. Before First Light (0)
2-11. Rock Heavy (0)
2-12. The Tall Ships (live) (0)
2-13. Vigilante (live) (0)
2-14. Days of No Trust (live) (0)
2-15. Start Talking Love (live) (0)
2-16. Rocking Chair (live) (0)
3-1. Only in America (live) (0)
3-2. Les Morts Dansant (live) (0)
3-3. Wild Swan (live) (0)
3-4. Heart Broken Busted (0)
3-5. Foolish Heart (0)
3-6. Lonely Night (0)
3-7. Without Your Love (0)
3-8. Seabird (0)
3-9. Stormbringer (0)
3-10. Slipping Away (0)
3-11. Captain America (0)
3-12. True Fine Love (0)
3-13. The Prize (BBC Friday Rock Show Session) (0)
3-14. Breakdown (BBC Friday Rock Show Session) (0)
3-15. Vicious Companions (BBC Friday Rock Show Session) (0)
3-16. Road to Paradise (BBC Friday Rock Show Session) (0)


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登録されている17曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Kingdom of Madness, 1. Universe, 1. Invasion, 1. In the Beginning, 1. All Come Together, 1. Great Adventure, 1. Foolish Heart, 1. Reborn, 2. Changes (remix), 2. All of My Life (live), 2. If I Could Live Forever (live), 2. The Lights Burned Out, 2. Soldier on the Line, 2. The Spirit, 2. Sacred Hour, 2. The Teacher, 3. Back to Earth (live), 3. Runaround Sue, 3. The Prize, 3. Road to Paradise, 4. The Great Disaster, 4. The Word, 4. Breakdown, 4. Just Like an Arrow, 4. Endless Love, 4. How Far Jerusalem, 4. On a Storyteller's Night, 4. Before First Light, 4. Rock Heavy, 5. The Tall Ships (live), 6. Vigilante (live), 7. Days of No Trust (live), 8. Start Talking Love (live), 9. Rocking Chair (live), 9. Only in America (live), 10. Les Morts Dansant (live), ....




