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5 Original Albums (2011年)
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登録されている4曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Man on the Silver Mountain, 1. Self Portrait, 1. Black Sheep of the Family, 1. Catch the Rainbow, 1. Snake Charmer, 1. The Temple of the King, 1. If You Don’t Like Rock ’n’ Roll, 1. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves, 1. Still I’m Sad, 1. Long Live Rock ’n’ Roll, 1. Lady of the Lake, 1. L.A. Connection, 1. Gates of Babylon, 1. Kill the King, 1. The Shed (Subtle), 1. Sensitive to Light, 1. Rainbow Eyes, 1. All Night Long, 1. Eyes of the World, 1. No Time to Lose, 1. Makin’ Love, 1. Since You Been Gone, 1. Love’s No Friend, 1. Danger Zone, 1. Lost in Hollywood, 1. Death Alley Driver, 2. Stone Child, 2. Bring on the Night (Dream Chaser), 3. Tite Squeeze, 4. Tearin’ Out My Heart, 4. Power, 4. Miss Mistreated, 4. Rock Fever, 4. Eyes of Fire, 4. Stranded, 4. Can’t Let You Go, 4. Fool for the Night, 4. Fire Dance, 4. Anybody There, 4. Desperate Heart, 4. Street of Dreams, 4. Drinking With the Devil, 4. Snowman, 4. Make Your Move