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Warchest (2007年)
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登録されている25曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Killing Is My Business… and Business Is Good!, 2. The Skull Beneath the Skin, 3. Peace Sells, 3. Wake Up Dead, 3. Devil’s Island, 3. Set the World Afire, 3. Into the Lungs of Hell, 4. Anarchy/Problems (session take), 4. Hook in Mouth, 4. Liar, 4. In My Darkest Hour, 4. No More Mr. Nice Guy, 5. “dark themes…”, 6. Holy Wars… The Punishment Due (Casey McMackin demo), 7. Tornado of Souls (demo), 8. Five Magics (demo), 8. Hangar 18, 9. “keeping score…”, 9. Symphony of Destruction, 10. Go to Hell, 10. Foreclosure of a Dream, ....
Recent 20 Comments
1. アレスト ★★ (2007-12-22 19:20:00)
HANGAER18,PEACE SELLS・・・この速度でもう一度やってくれないかな・・・