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Pandora’s Box (1991年)
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登録されている22曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. When I Needed You, 1. Make It, 2. Movin' Out (alternate version), 2. One Way Street, 3. On the Road Again (rehearsal pre-production jam), 3. Mama Kin, 3. Same Old Song and Dance, 3. Train Kept a Rollin’, 3. Seasons of Wither, 4. Write Me a Letter (live), 4. Dream On, 4. Pandora's Box, 5. Rattlesnake Shake (live radio broadcast), 6. Walkin' the Dog (live radio broadcast), 7. Lord of the Thighs (live), 7. Toys in the Attic, 7. Round and Round, 8. Krawhitham (instrumental), 8. You See Me Crying, 8. Sweet Emotion, 8. No More No More, 8. Walk This Way, 8. I Wanna Know Why (live), 8. Big Ten Inch Record, 8. Rats in the Cellar, 9. Last Child (remix), 9. All Your Love, 10. Soul Saver (rehearsal), 10. Nobody's Fault, 10. Lick and a Promise, 10. Adam’s Apple, ....
Recent 20 Comments
1. おいたん ★★ (2005-02-24 10:49:00)
2. T-MIRAGE ★★ (2006-06-21 11:52:00)