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Live at the Rainbow '74 (2014年)
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登録されている9曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Procession, 1. Father to Son, 1. Ogre Battle, 1. Son and Daughter, 2. Guitar Solo, 3. Son and Daughter (reprise), 3. White Queen (As It Began), 3. Great King Rat, 3. The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke, 3. Keep Yourself Alive, 4. Drum Solo, 5. Keep Yourself Alive (reprise), 5. Seven Seas of Rhye, 5. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll, 6. Jailhouse Rock / Stupid Cupid / Be Bop a Lula, 6. Liar, 6. See What a Fool I've Been, 6. Procession, 6. Now I'm Here, 6. Ogre Battle, 6. Father to Son, 6. White Queen (As It Began), 6. Flick of the Wrist, 6. In the Lap of the Gods, 6. Killer Queen, 6. The March of the Black Queen, 6. Bring Back That Leroy Brown, 6. Son and Daughter, 6. Guitar Solo, 6. Son and Daughter (reprise), 6. Keep Yourself Alive, 6. Drum Solo, 6. Keep Yourself Alive (reprise), 6. Seven Seas of Rhye, 7. Stone Cold Crazy, 7. Liar, 7. In the Lap of the Gods... Revisited, 8. Big Spender, 8. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll, 9. Jailhouse Rock, 9. God Save the Queen, 9. Procession, 9. Now I'm Here, 9. Ogre Battle, 9. Father to Son, 9. White Queen (As It Began), 9. Flick of the Wrist, 9. In the Lap of the Gods, 9. Killer Queen, 9. The March of the Black Queen, 9. Bring Back That Leroy Brown, 9. Son and Daughter, 9. Guitar Solo, 9. Son and Daughter (reprise), 9. Keep Yourself Alive, 9. Drum Solo, 9. Keep Yourself Alive (reprise), 9. Seven Seas of Rhye, 9. Stone Cold Crazy, 9. Liar, 9. In the Lap of the Gods... Revisited, 9. Big Spender, 9. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll, 9. Jailhouse Rock, 9. God Save the Queen, 9. Son and Daughter, 9. Guitar Solo, 9. Son and Daughter (reprise), 9. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll, 9. Procession, 9. Now I'm Here, 9. Ogre Battle, 9. Father to Son, 9. White Queen (As It Began), 9. Flick of the Wrist, 9. In the Lap of the Gods, 9. Killer Queen, 9. The March of the Black Queen, 9. Bring Back That Leroy Brown, 9. Son and Daughter, 9. Guitar Solo, 9. Son and Daughter (reprise), 9. Keep Yourself Alive, 9. Drum Solo, 9. Keep Yourself Alive (reprise), 9. Seven Seas of Rhye, 9. Stone Cold Crazy, 9. Liar, 9. In the Lap of the Gods... Revisited, 9. Big Spender, 9. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll, 9. Jailhouse Rock, 9. God Save the Queen, 9. Son and Daughter, 9. Guitar Solo, 9. Son and Daughter (reprise), 9. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll
Recent 20 Comments
1. Shirabetty ★★★ (2014-10-06 14:45:50)
初期からのファンが喉から手が出る程欲しかったライブ映像とサウンドです! 暗かった映像も明るくなっているし、Rogerの声などもハッキリして、1つ1つの音がこんなにクリアに!
CDの方で特筆すべきは、The Fairly Feller's moster-stroke の素晴らしさです!この曲をライブで聞けるだけで驚愕ですが、Freddieのピッチも正確だし、Rogerのヘルプも見事です。
2. 怒号 ★★★ (2016-11-26 11:40:15)
QUEEN2ツアー時のDisc1, Sheer Heart Attackツアー時のDisc2の2枚組。
Sheer Heart At