80年代 | 90年代 | T | テクニカル | ネオクラシカルメタルTHE GREAT KAT
Total Insanity (2008年)
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登録されている8曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Rossini's - William Tell Overture - For Symphony Orchestra, 2. The Barber of Seville, 2. The Ride of the Valkyries, 2. Vivaldi's the Four Seasons for Violin, Chamber Orchestra, 3. Dominatrix, 3. Sodomize, 3. Torture Chamber, 3. War, 3. Blood, 4. 10 Castration, 5. Feast of the Dead, 5. Terror, 5. The Round of the Goblins - For Violin, Piano, 5. Punishment, 5. Sarasate's Carmen Fantasy for Violin & Band, 6. Sarasates Gypsy Violin Waltz, 6. Humiliation, 6. Hungarian Rhapsody 2, 6. Zapateado, 7. Ashes to Dust, 7. Sex & Violins, 7. Beethoven Mosh, 8. Satan Says, 8. Gripping Obsession, 8. Guitar Concerto in Blood Minor, 8. Total Tyrant