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Sceneries (2011年)
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登録されている8曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Chapter 1: The Fountain of Glow, Part One, 1. Chapter 1: The Fountain of Glow, Part Two, 2. Chapter 1: The Fountain of Glow, Part Three, 3. Chapter 2: Share the World With Me, Part One, 3. Chapter 2: Share the World With Me, Part Two, 3. Chapter 2: Share the World With Me, Part Three, 4. Chapter 2: Share the World With Me, Part Four, 5. Chapter 3: The Words You Hide, Part One, 5. Chapter 3: The Words You Hide, Part Two, 5. Chapter 3: The Words You Hide, Part Three, 6. Chapter 3: The Words You Hide, Part Four, 7. Chapter 4: The Waters I Traveled, Part One, 7. Chapter 4: The Waters I Traveled, Part Two, 7. Chapter 4: The Waters I Traveled, Part Three, 7. Chapter 4: The Waters I Traveled, Part Four, 8. Chapter 5: Farewell to Old Friends, Part One, 8. Chapter 5: Farewell to Old Friends, Part Two, 8. Chapter 5: Farewell to Old Friends, Part Three, 8. Chapter 5: Farewell to Old Friends, Part Four