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Unofficial Cathedral HomepageCATHEDRALに登録されている34曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Midnight Mountain, 2.
Utopian Blaster, 3.
Violet Vortex/ride, 4.
Hopkins (The Witchfinder General), 5.
Voodoo Fire, 6.
Serpent Eve, 7.
Vampire Sun, 8.
Fountain of Innocence, 9.
Ride, 10.
Electric Grave, 11.
Ebony Tears, 12.
Melancholy Emperor, 13.
The Voyage of the Homeless Sapien, 14.
Soul Sacrifice, 15.
Imprisoned in Flesh, 16.
Night of the Seagulls, 17.
Blue Light, 18.
Cosmic Funeral, 19.
Ultra Earth, 20.
Reaching Happiness, Touching Pain, ....