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YESTERWYNDEに登録されている14曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Yesterwynde, 2.
An Ocean of Strange Islands, 3.
The Antikythera Mechanism, 4.
The Day Of…, 5.
Perfume of the Timeless, 6.
Sway, 7.
The Children of ’Ata, 8.
Something Whispered Follow Me, 9.
Spider Silk, 10.
Hiraeth, 11.
The Weave, 12.
Lanternlight, 12.
Yesterwynde (5.1 mix), 13.
An Ocean of Strange Islands (5.1 mix), 13.
The Antikythera Mechanism (5.1 mix), 13.
The Day Of… (5.1 mix), 14.
Perfume of the Timeless (5.1 mix), 14.
Sway (5.1 mix), 14.
The Children of ’Ata (5.1 mix), 14.
Something Whispered Follow Me (5.1 mix), 14.
Spider Silk (5.1 mix), 14.
Hiraeth (5.1 mix), 14.
The Weave (5.1 mix), 14.
Lanternlight (5.1 mix), 14.
Yesterwynde, 14.
An Ocean of Strange Islands, 14.
The Antikythera Mechanism, 14.
The Day Of…, 14.
Perfume of the Timeless, 14.
Sway, 14.
The Children of ’Ata, 14.
Something Whispered Follow Me, 14.
Spider Silk, 14.
Hiraeth, 14.
The Weave, 14.