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MONUMENTSに登録されている36曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 

Ravenblack, 2.
Wrestle the Devil, 3.
Open Sesame, 4.
Landmarks, 5.
The Mountaineer, 6.
9‐2‐9, 7.
Defenders of the Crown, 8.
Save Me, 9.
The Piper Never Dies, 10.
Lavatory Love Machine, 11.
King of Fools, 12.
Superheroes, 13.
Love Tyger, 14.
Ministry of Saints, 15.
Tears of a Mandrake, 16.
Mysteria, 17.
Vain Glory Opera, 18.
Rock of Cashel, 19.
Judas at the Opera, 20.
Holy Water, ....