LIVE!: RISE & SHINE (2010年)
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LIVE!: RISE & SHINEに登録されている22曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Rise, 2.
You Care? I Don't Care, 3.
Reign, 4.
Until You Are Dead, 5.
Fists Full of Sand, 6.
Shells Rain Down, 7.
Landshark, 8.
Shine On, 9.
Tor, 10.
Terrorizer, 11.
Megalomania, 12.
You Suck, 13.
The Day of Rage, 14.
Death Trap, 15.
Just Believe in Me, 16.
Call of the Hunter, 17.
Slowly but Surely, 18.
Madness, 19.
Deadbeat, 20.
Fangs, ....