外部リンク"VELCRA" を
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Velcra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaVELCRAに登録されている20曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

My Law, 2.
Corruption, 3.
The Bong Song, 4.
White Knuckle Mountains, 5.
Big Brother, 6.
Not Against Me, 7.
New Recruit, 8.
The Big Sleep, 9.
War Is Peace, 10.
Dead End Lane, 11.
Our Will Against Their Will, 12.
Can't Stop Fighting, 13.
Water Is Getting High, 14.
Test Animals, 15.
Shine for Me, 16.
Memory Loss, 17.
Dusk Becomes a Dawn, 18.
Tension, 19.
Removed, 20.
Solar Red