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SERPENTに登録されている19曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Cradle Of Insanity, 2.
Siren Night, 3.
Bloody gates, 4.
Cannibalistic Dream, 5.
Angel's Grave, 6.
Lunar Eclipse, 7.
Sea of the silence, 8.
Erase Me, 9.
Suicide Diary, 10.
Cage, 11.
Shadow of Death, 12.
Slave, 12.
Bloody Gates, 13.
Baptism, 14.
Awakening - In the Dark Painted by Blood, 15.
Broken Sleep, 16.
Clot, 17.
Plastic Arts, 18.
Funeral of Light, 19.
Devil in a Dream