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PAGAN'S MINDに登録されている25曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
Enigmatic Mission, 2.
United Alliance, 3.
Supremacy, Our Kind, 4.
Through Osiris' Eyes, 5.
Forever Seeking, 6.
Taken, 7.
Entrance to Infinity, 8.
Intermission, 9.
Eyes of Fire, 10.
Revelation to the End, 11.
Coming Home (instrumental), 12.
Evolution Exceed, 13.
Power of Mindscape, 14.
Hallo Spaceboy, 15.
Painted Skies, 16.
Follow Your Way, 17.
The Celestine Prophecy, 18.
Dreamscape Lucidity, 19.
New World Order, 20.
Atomic Firelight, ....