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LIVE & ARCHIVESに登録されている28曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Intro, 2.
I of the Storm, 3.
Nothing, 4.
And the Devil Cried, 5.
A Psychotic Waltz, 6.
Only in a Dream, 7.
Successor, 8.
Strange, 9.
Out of Mind, 10.
I Remember, 11.
In This Place, 12.
Little People, 13.
Spiral Tower, 14.
I'm the Walrus, 15.
Flashback Into the Abyss, 16.
Burn the Night, 17.
To Chase the Stars, 18.
Snippet, 19.
No Glory, 20.
The Fry Tape, ....