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EXPLOITING DYSFUNCTIONに登録されている17曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Hybrid, 2.
Driven to Insanity, 3.
Rehab, 4.
Observer to the Obliteration of Planet Earth, 5.
On Six, 6.
Gracias, 7.
Cryptosporidium, 8.
The Ballad of Moon, 9.
9' of Smoke, 10.
Warm Hand on a Cold Night (A Tale of Onesomes), 11.
Invertus Indica (The Marijuana Convictions), 12.
Molestandos Plantas Muertos!, 13.
Eradicate Authority, 14.
Paralyzed by Fear, 15.
Exploiting Dysfunction, 16.
[silence], 17.