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TROMPE LE MONDEに登録されている19曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Trompe le Monde, 2.
Planet of Sound, 3.
Alec Eiffel, 4.
The Sad Punk, 5.
Head On, 6.
U-Mass, 7.
Palace of the Brine, 8.
Letter to Memphis, 9.
Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons, 10.
Space (I Believe In), 11.
Subbacultcha, 12.
Distance Equals Rate Times Time, 13.
Lovely Day, 14.
Motorway to Roswell, 15.
The Navajo Know, 16.
Rock Music (live), 17.
Hang Wire (live), 18.
Monkey Gone to Heaven (live), 19.
Isla de Encanta (live)