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ERIC MARTINに登録されている39曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Fly, 2.
Letting It out, 3.
Somethin' From Nothin', 4.
The American Dream, 5.
Sucker for a Pretty Face, 6.
Fly on a Wall, 7.
Secrets in the Dark, 8.
Over My Heart, 9.
I Can't Stop the Fire, 10.
Secrets in the Dark, 11.
Ten Feet Tall, 12.
Sons of Angels, 13.
I Love the Way You Lome Me, 14.
Goin' Sane, 15.
Eyes of the World, 16.
Bigger Man, 17.
Call of the Wild, 18.
Crazy World Like This, 19.
What's the Worst That Happen?, 20.
Just One Night, ....