1. After the Rain / After the Rain (84)
3. Tracy's Song / Only Time Will Tell / After the Rain (34)
4. Won't Walk Away / Because They Can (24)
5. Say It Isn't So / The Silence Is Broken (15)
5. TOO MANY DREAMS / After the Rain (15)
7. Action / Imaginator (14)
8. A Girl Like That / Life (13)
8. Will You Love Me? / After the Rain (13)
10. Nobody Wins In The End / Because They Can (10)
11. Interlude / Everywhere I Go / After the Rain (9)
12. (You Got Me) All Shook Up / Because They Can (6)
12. You're All I Need Tonight / Lightning Strikes Twice (6)
14. I Can Hardly Wait / After the Rain (5)
14. Why Oh Why? / The Silence Is Broken (5)
16. Fill You Up / After the Rain (4)
16. Kiss Me When I Cry / Imaginator (4)
16. Let's Talk About Me / Life (4)
16. More Than Ever / After the Rain (4)
16. What About Me? / The Silence Is Broken (4)
21. After the Rain(version')95 / Because They Can (3)
21. Call Me / Lightning Strikes Twice (3)
21. How Can I Miss You (when You Won't Go Away?) / Lightning Strikes Twice (3)
21. Invincible / Peace out (3)
21. L.O.V.E. Me Not / The Silence Is Broken (3)
21. Leave the Light on for Me / Peace out (3)
21. Love Me Today / Because They Can (3)
21. Right Before Your Eyes / Because They Can (3)
21. Sooner or Later / Imaginator (3)
30. (It's Just) Desire / After the Rain (2)
30. (oh) Pretty Woman / Tribute to Van Halen /2000 (2)
30. Bits and Pieces / After the Rain (2)
30. Day by Day / Lightning Strikes Twice (2)
30. Do You Believe in Religion / Imaginator (2)
30. Only A Moment Away / Because They Can (2)
30. Ready, Willing, and Able / Lightning Strikes Twice (2)
30. She Gets Down / Imaginator (2)
30. She Sheila / Life (2)
30. Someone Like You / Life (2)
30. Tell Me / Imaginator (2)
30. The Great Escape / Because They Can (2)
30. We're All Alright / Imaginator (2)
43. Keep One Heart / After the Rain (1)



